domingo, 7 de noviembre de 2010


Un prop rápido de hacer...teniendo los materiales , claro : botella de veritaserum.He usado una botella antigua de farmacia y he añadido una etiqueta basada en el mundo de Harry Potter.
No recuerdo bien de donde la saqué .Creo que era de LOVEMANOR en flickr , pero no la encuentro ahora: ...quizá fue de otro sitio...
En la otra foto se ve la botella junto con artículos de merchandising de la misma película.
A quick prop to do... having materials of course: Veritaserum bottle.I used a real vintage apothecary bottle and added a fantasy label based on Harry Potter world.
I dont remember quite well where I found the label.I thought it was from LOVEMANOR in flicker : but I dont see it... maybe it was from another place...
In the other photo you can see the bottle along with another merchandising props from the same movie.

1 comentario:

  1. Yes, indeed your label *is* from Love Manor, from the "Dorothy Clutterbuck's Witch Hazel" label with all the interior text removed. The tell-tale hint is the "DC" monogram that remains at the bottom corner of the label.

    The in-joke there is that Dorothy Clutterbuck was a real person -- supposedly she initiated Gerald Gardner (the founder of Wicca) into Wicca, the religion of witches.
